1 .what was the moment of your childhood that most impacted in your life ?

2. what did you like most about your childhood ?

3.what was your most difficult moment when entering high school ?

4. what has been the best moment of your life ?

5. What moment of your life has been the most difficult for you ?

6.What do you like to do in your free time?

1.Start to play the violin when she was 4 years old. This impacted my life in ways that allowed me to express myself later on. The way I learn, teach and interact are because of music.

2.I was able to explore many different activities that broadened my experience as a child. I tried every sport there was and it made me happy to make a decision to stick with music and dance because I knew out of everything I tried, those two I loved the most.

3.I attended a specialized high school for Music and Art. Upon entering, I was placed in junior orchestra as a freshmen and could not sight read music at the pace that they wanted so I spent my first three months getting my sight reading up to speed in order to be able to keep up.

4.Graduating College had to be the best moment of my life. Graduating allowed me to look back on all the hard work I had accomplished up until that point which made me very proud.

5.My first year of college was one of the most difficult adjustment periods of my life. School was too hard and my social life was not forming the way others were. I will never forget the self motivation it took to adjust how I felt my freshman year of college.

6.I love walking, going to the beach, playing with animals, listening and playing music. I also love eating.